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Harrison Michigan Sportsmans Club

Harrison Sportsmans Club

Club History

life_member.jpg (12121 bytes)    It appears that the Harrison sportsmans club was founded around 1938.  There is a ledger that lists the first officers as well as the membership.   Dues were $1.00.  About 1954 land was obtained and the club house was built.   Around 1982 the large addition was added which included bathrooms and the indoor archery range.

Click on a thumbnail to view some old club newsletters.
March 1971 Newsletter
March 1971
October 1969 Newsletter
October 1969
June 1968 Newsletter
June 1968
February 1971 Newsletter
February 1971
An old club ledger.
Ledger Ledger Ledger February 1971 Newsletter
Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger